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Instrument manufacturer Bruker to exit underperforming instrument lines


In their statement the company said that its CAM division, which houses these products, has generated significant losses for the last four years, with little prospect of near-term profitability.

Bruker will honour outstanding orders for the affected GC and GC-MS instruments, but is not taking any new orders. Ordered instruments will be delivered and installed and the company will continue to provide service and support for these products and there will be no change in customer service.

The company is looking to sell off its ICP-MS business, and for someone to take over the service contracts for the GC instruments. The company expect to transfer the ICP-MS business to a global, high-quality analytical instruments company with a broader trace elemental analysis portfolio in the next few months.     

At the same time, Bruker is expanding its microscopy offering in the life sciences, by acquiring US start-up Vutara for its high speed, 3D, super resolution fluorescence microscopy technology. The companies did not disclose financial details of the transaction.

Related information

Bruker: Press release July 23, 2014

Related EVISA Resources

Company Database: Bruker Corporation
Instrument Database: Bruker's line of ICP-MS instruments
Instrument Database: Bruker's line of GC instruments

Related EVISA News

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last time modified: August 4, 2014


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