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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The aim of the conference is to provide a forum to encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge about recent developments and state-of-the-art knowledge in main areas of plasma spectrochemistry. The conference will bring together international participants experienced in fundamental aspects, instrumentation and applications in typical Norwegian informal settings to examine recent progress in this continuing growing field; approximately 100 participants are expected to attend.

Date: 09.06.2024 - 13.06.2024
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Loen, Norway
Contact: Yngvar Thomassen National Institute of Occupational Health
P.O. Box 8149 Dep NO-0033 Oslo Norway;
Tel: +47 23 19 53 20 /mobile: +47 99510521
e-mail: Yngvar.Thomassen@stami.no
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄nordicplasma.com⁄

The conference will comprise four and a half days of oral and poster contributions, as well as short courses (each 2 hours duration) and discussions. Oral presentations (invited or submitted) will be 30 and 20 minutes duration. At the end of each oral presentation 5-10 minutes will be reserved for discussions. Poster presentations will be given equal prominence and ample time will be allowed for discussion.


Fundamental aspects and instrumental developments of:
  • plasma fundamentals and mechanisms
  • plasma sources for atomization and excitation in atomic spectrometry and ionization in mass spectrometry
  • plasma source atomic emission and mass spectrometry
  • laser-assisted plasma spectrometry
  • plasma source detectors in speciation analysis
  • sample preparation, sample introduction and transport phenomena
  • miniaturisation and nanotechnology
  • hyphenated and imaging techniques

Applications of plasma spectrochemistry in the analysis of:
  • new materials - nanomaterials
  • speciation analysis
  • industrial products - analysis and characterisation
  • environmental and occupational pollutants
  • food and agriculture products
  • aquatic systems
  • terrestrial/geological materials
  • biological/clinical materials/pharmaceutical materials
  • reference materials
  • radioactive and stable element species
  • metallomics and biodistribution
  • forensic analysis
  • fuels/ biofuels/oils


April 22,2023Early registration at reduced fee
April 5,2024Submission of abstracts

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