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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Gordon Research Conference: Metals in Medicine

The mission of the Metals in Medicine GRC is to cultivate a community of multidisciplinary scientists focused on improving human health by translating basic science discoveries in the areas of bioinorganic chemistry, materials, and inorganic nanotechnology to medical application.

Date: 22.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
National/International: National
Type: Conference
Location: Proctor Academy, Andover, New Hampshire, United States
Office Manager: Starr Middleton
Office Manager Email: proctor_sm@grc.org
Office Phone: +16037356899

The 2024 Metals in Medicine GRC will explore metal chelation strategies for radiation protection and the use of metal-based therapeutics to treat infectious diseases and cancer. The latest advances in the evaluation of metal-based agents for X-ray, light, or sono-dynamic therapies, and of radiometal-labeled agents as theranostics will be presented. Metallomics research that includes the role of metals in the pathogenesis of cancer and their role in immune system evasion will be featured. To complete the cycle from discovery to clinical translation, the latest metal-based agents that are now in clinical trials for the treatment of different diseases and for imaging will be discussed.

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