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The ISABC17 meeting follows those in Ioanninna (2023), Nara (2019) Toulouse (2017), Galway (2015),
Guangzhou (2013), and going back to the first ISABC meeting in Wuhan already in 1990. We are confident that the symposium in 2025 will also offer an excellent opportunity to meet many researchers from around the world who are experts in an exceptionally broad range of the topics at the frontier of bioinorganic chemistry.

Date: 15.06.2025 - 18.06.2025
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Uppsala Sweden
Contact: Academic Conferences
Phone: + 46 18 67 10 03
E-mail: isabc2025@akademikonferens.se
Conference web site at:   https:⁄⁄www.isabc2025.com⁄

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