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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Frequently asked questions

Here we answer those questions, which we have heard frequently. If you have any question that is not answered in this section, please use the contact form.

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How can I benefit from EVISA as a scientist working in the field of speciation ?
The Web-Portal provided by EVISA is the single-source of information around all aspects of speciation analysis. It is a great place to discuss all questions and open issues and to find relevant inform...

How can I benefit from EVISA as an industrial client ?
It is the main objective of EVISA to support the transfer of technology and know-how from research institutions towards industrial partners. Industrial partners benefit from the great experience and k...

I have optioned-in for the newsletter, but I do not receive it.
These are some possible reasons that our monthly newsletter is not reaching you. Please check,   a) whether the e-mail account to which we should send the newsletter is correctly written   ...

I have registered as a user, but I do not receive the newsletter.
It is not sufficient to register as a user, but you have to select the option of subscription to the monthly newsletter. You can change your options by editing your user account any time !...

I tried to open a user account, but when I was asked by e-mail to confirm by clicking on a given link I received the message:
Error at activate account: Invalid account key
The given link contains a code for your personal account. If the given link does not belong to your user account (as the error message tells), than the original code was probably modified. A reason co...

Is EVISA a kind of a lobby ?
EVISA has been established during its funding period by a well chosen consortium of partners. It is however meant to be an open structure, welcoming new partners for the benefit of EVISA’s customers. ...

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