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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Events related to trace elements and their speciation

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Saint John's Conference Center, Bruges, Belgium 04 Feb 2004 - 06 Feb, 2004

8th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers ...

Analytical Forum 2004
Warsaw, Poland 04 Jul 2004 - 08 Jul, 2004

The International Symposium "Analytical Forum 2004" will be held in Warsaw (Poland) from 4 to 8 July 2004 under honorary auspices of the Federation of European Chemical Societies, the Polish Chemical ...

17th Annual International Ion Chromatography Symposium
University of Trier, Germany 20 Sep 2004 - 23 Sep, 2004

The IICS symposia series is THE forum for scientists interested in the separation of inorganic and small organic ions. These meetings offer a focused overview of the latest developments in ion analysi...

Palais des Congrès of Paris 04 Oct 2004 - 08 Oct, 2004

The 25th International Symposium on Chromatography will take place in Palais des Congrès of Paris, France - from 4 to 8th October 2004. This symposium is the largest and most prestigious meeting prov...

LACE 2004
Hotel Beatriz, Toledo, Spain 05 Nov 2004 - 09 Nov, 2004

10th Latin America Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis...

CIA 2005: Conference über Ionenanalyse
Techn. Universität Berlin, Germany 06 Apr 2005 - 08 Apr, 2005

Die Organisatoren und der Chairman der CIA 2005, Prof. Andreas Seubert (Universität Marburg) freuen sich, Ihnen die 3. Conference über Ionenanalyse – CIA 2005, die vom 6. bis 8. April 2005 an der Te...

Fundamentals of coupling techniques in speciation analysis
Pau, France 18 Oct 2005 - 19 Oct, 2005

The aim of this training course is to introduce the fundamentals of modern coupling techniques in speciation analysis. This concerns the theory and practice of interfacing of gas- and liquid chromatog...

ICAS 2006
Moscow, Russia 25 Jun 2006 - 30 Jun, 2005

The organizers of the International Congress on Analytical Sciences (ICAS-2006 Russia) kindly invite you to attend this important scientific meeting. The aim of this Congress is to allow analytical ch...

SMAP 2007: Annual joint meeting of the French Societies for Mass Spectrometry, Electrophoresis and Proteomics.
Pau, France 17 Sep 2007 - 20 Sep, 2007

The meeting has an audience of about 450 persons and is the most important event in this topic area in France....

HTC-10 & ExTech-10
Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges (Belgium) 28 Jan 2008 - 01 Feb, 2008

The Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers & the Tenth International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques 2008 will...

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