CLICK, WATCH AND LISTEN TO Presentations given at the Isranalytica 2006 CONFERENCE
The organizers of the ISRANALYTICA 2006, which took place in Tel Aviv, Israel on January 200, are pleased to bring to your awareness that for the first time in Israel and as far as they know – also worldwide, a virtual tour in the exhibition and the lectures of ISRANALYTICA 2006 are broadcasted free of charge over the internet and are available to those who could not attend the Conference or would like to have a second chance.
All one needs to do is choose the day of the Scientific Program, the session and the speaker. A click on a speaker’s name will start the video of the presentation on the computer screen. One can see it again, pause, stop or move to another lecture with one click.
The organizers further plan to broadcast the ISRANALYTICA 2007 on Real Time during the conference, in January 2007.