While many people have the feeling that the number of meetings definitively is too big, those focused on speciation analysis are absolutely rare. TraceSpec is one of those, and with the 12th event scheduled in Mainz, it is a well established series of workshops.
The last meeting (
TraceSpec 2007, held in Münster September 4-7, 2007 ) had attracted about 200 scientists from more than 30 countries, which was an impressive indicator for its growth with respect to former meetings. The great success of the meeting both with respect to the scientific programme and related instrument exhibition but also with respect to the social programme that gave ample room to meet old friends and make new ones, had convinced the organizers to keep the format. Also the very successful cooperation between IAEAC as the owner of the series and EVISA as the co-organizer with the local team around Prof. Uwe Karst (University of Münster) was the motivation to continue the cooperation between IAEAC and EVISA. As a result of this co-operation, EVISA acts as a co-organizer for the TraceSpec 2009 meeting, to be held in Mainz, September 15-18, 2009.

Mainz University is well chosen for this meeting; not only have the Chemists from Mainz received the first place within the "Ranking of Excellent European Graduate Programmes" (CHE Excellence Ranking for short), but also one of the PhD-programmes is focused on speciation analysis (Trace Analysis of Elemental Species: Development of methods and applications).
The local organizing committee is headed by Prof. Thorsten Hoffmann, who is well known for his contributions in speciation analysis focusing on atmospheric chemistry, one of the topics of the workshop that will receive a special focus.
While the local organizing committee and the co-organizers IAEAC and EVISA will do their best to make the TraceSpec 2009 again a pleasant and successful meeting, the scientific success will of course depend on the contributions of the participants. The organizers have invited internationally recognized experts from different field to highlight the development of speciation analysis in these fields and to open the discussion.
It is the major objective of the workshop to highlight the value of the enhanced information provided by speciation analysis and to demonstrate and discuss how this information can be used to tackle real-world challenges related to chemical species. The
Johannes Gutenberg University, the European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA) and the
International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) invite you to participate in the 12th Workshop on Progress in Analytical Methodologies for Trace Metal Speciation. Please feel invited to submit contributions for presentations in English on topics within the scope of the workshop.
Related Information
Home page of the TraceSpec 2009 workshop
First flyer and call for papers
Workshop history
Erwin Rosenberg, Recent
trends and progress in trace-element speciation: A report on the
international conference "Progress in Analytical Methodologies for
Trace Metal Speciation (TraceSpec 2007)", held in Münster, Germany, 4-7
September, Trends Anal. Chem. (Pers. Ed.), 26/11 (2007) 1013-1018. DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2007.10.007
Michael Sperling, TraceSpec 2007 in Münster - Analytik der speziellen Art, GIT Labor Fachzeitschrift, 51/10 (2007) 788-789 (in German).
Related EVISA News
September 17, 2007: Experts in Speciation Analysis came together in Münster, September 4-7, 2007last time modified: May 22, 2024