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European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2017: Grants and Awards


YOUNG SCIENTISTS GRANT - for PhD students to support their participation (Registration and travel expenses) in the EWCPS2017.
Application deadline extended to 30. June 2016.
EUROPEAN AWARD FOR PLASMA SPECTROCHEMISTRY - The "European Award for Plasma Spectrochemistry" is sponsored by Agilent and promotes analytical plasma spectrochemical developments and applications in Europe. The prize is awarded for a single outstanding piece of work or for continued important contributions in the field.
Application deadline: 31. August 2016.
EUROPEAN RISING STAR AWARD FOR PLASMA SPECTROCHEMISTRY -The new "European Rising Star Award for Plasma Spectrochemistry" sponsored by Agilent should honor and promote outstanding contributions of upcoming younger scientists at the beginning of their career within the field of plasma spectrochemistry.
Application deadline: 31. August 2016.
EMERGING LEADER IN ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY AWARD sponsored by Spectroscopy magazine recognizes the achievements and aspirations of a talented young atomic spectroscopist who has made strides early in his or her career toward the advancement of atomic spectroscopy techniques and applications. A large number of applications has been received and the award is currently under evaluation.

More details under http://ewcps2017.at/awards-grants

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last time modified: May 17, 2024

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