
Mercury compounds with a Hg-carbon bond (e.g. alkylmercury compounds).

The term "organo-mercury" was found in the following pages:

United Nations Global Mercury Treaty: Fifth and final session | EVISA's News
Mercury and Autism: Is there a Link ? | EVISA's News
Elephant Seals’ fur as a source for methylmercury in coastal sea water | EVISA's News
US EPA Completes Cost/Benefit Analysis of Mercury Rule | EVISA's News
First biological function of mercury discovered | EVISA's News
ORNL scientists solve mystery about mercury methylation | EVISA's News
UNEP mercury treaty exempts vaccines for children | EVISA's News
Vaccine ingredient causes brain damage; some nutrients prevent it | EVISA's News
Scientists reveal how organic mercury can interfere with vision | EVISA's News
Experts Argue to Keep Thimerosal in Some Vaccines | EVISA's News
EVISA News revisited: Dissension on the best way to fight mercury pollution | EVISA's News
In vivo Quantification of the Transition of Brain Extracellular Mercury after Thimerosal Administration | EVISA's News
Mercury levels in Pacific yellowfin tuna increasing | EVISA's News
Seabass populations can be differentiated by their Mercury Isotope Distribution | EVISA's News
Mercury Levels in Humans and Fish Around the World Regularly Exceed Health Advisory Levels | EVISA's News
Mercury may not defeat seafood brain benefits | EVISA's News
EU ratification propels global Minamata Convention on Mercury into force | EVISA's News
New data shows: Mercury emissions rising globally | EVISA's News
Mercury isotope fractionation provides new tool to trace the source of human exposure | EVISA's News
Mercury in food – EFSA updates advice on risks for public health | EVISA's News