
Organotin compounds or stannanes are chemical compounds based on tin with hydrocarbon substituents. Organotin compounds are commercially applied as hydrochloric acid scavengers in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and as biocides. Tributyltin oxide for example (or tributyltin for short) has been extensively used as a wood preservative. Tributyltin compounds are used as marine anti-biofouling agents. Concerns over toxicity of these compounds (some reports describe biological effects to marine life at a concentration of 1 nanogram per liter) have led to a world-wide ban by the International Maritime Organization.

The term "organotin" was found in the following pages:

Material database: National Research Council of Canada (NRC - CNRC) - PACS-2 - Marine Sediment Reference Materials for Trace Metals and other Constituents
Directory of scientists: Peter Uden
Link database: WHO: Inorganic tin in drinking water
Material database: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) - NIES CRM 12: Marine Sediment
REACH Update: List of 300 chemicals of very high concern | EVISA's News
Organotins and other toxic chemicals found in household dust across U.S. | EVISA's News
Material database: IRMM - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements - BCR-646
TBT from antifouling paint is still endangering marine life, says WWF | EVISA's News
Directory of scientists: Maria Milagros Gómez-Gómez
Use of certified reference materials (CRMs) for speciation analysis | EVISA's News
Material database: Princeton Applied Research - HIPA-1: Sediment for the Determination of Tributyltin
Organotin species in sediments | EVISA's News
Registrations pick up as REACH deadline looms | EVISA's News
Link database: Encyclopedia of Earth: Organotins in the marine environment
Directory of scientists: Alfredo Sanz-Medel
Material database: National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) - NMIJ CRM 7306-a: Organotins in Marine Sediment
Link database: NIOSH Method 5504: Organotin Compounds as Sn
Material database: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) - CRM 12: Marine Sediment
EU bans certain organotin compounds | EVISA's News
Source for butyltin compounds in wine | EVISA's News