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Eva Krupp
Research Scientist
Department of Chemistry,   University of Aberdeen, Meston Walk. Old Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 3UE, Scotland, U.K.

Eva Krupp
My work has mainly been devoted to the speciation analysis of organometallic compounds, including the speciation of volatile organometallic compounds in industrial gases, the detection of VOCs in air,  the  speciation of organotin and organomercury compounds in sediments and biological tissues, and  the use of species specific isotope dilution with GC-ICP-MS as a powerful tool to enhance data precision and accuracy, applied to the certification of new reference materials.
Furthermore, the speciation of iron in acid mine drainage and iron isotope ratio measurements are fields of my interest.

The development of instrumentation to promote speciation, realised with a new GC-ICP-MS transfer line and automated system has been lately completed in cooperation with Thermo Electron Company.


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