Real-Time, In-Situ, Sub-Surface Characterization of Soils & Mineral Deposits Designed by the US Naval Research Lab (NRL) and exclusively licensed to Austin AI, the unique CP-1000 is a combination of traditional downhole cone penetrometer technology coupled with a state-of-the-art XRF sensor. This marriage offers higher resolution analysis than with traditional soil sampling, because the CP takes readings in real-time as the probe is pushed through the ground - no offsite transportation of samples to a laboratory is necessary.
Fully compliant to EPA Method 6200, the CP-1000's high sensitivity provides low detection limits for the RCRA Big 8: Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Silver, as well as Antimony, Cobalt, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Indium, Tin and most others. The typical detection limit for most metals is ~100ppm.
Lowered down a pre-drilled hole, or pushed through the soil with hydraulic assistance, the CP-1000 provides concentration information in three dimensions. Data is collected in real-time, and trended on a PC at surface levels.
Built to Withstand The Elements This hearty instrument is comprised of rugged stainless steel housing, which encloses a powerful, miniaturized X-ray tube and Si PIN-Diode detector. A durable, patented analysis window allows maximum fluorescence collection and is extremely resistant to stressful environments and sample conditions. Electronics, power supplies and surface communication devices are externally located, but if required, can be minimized to fit form factor.
A remotely located PC with Windows® bases OS controls instrument operation, data collection and analysis results.
EPA Method 6200
Fully compliant - field portable X-ray Fluorescence
Metals Detected
RCRA Big Eight: As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, Ag, as well as Sb, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, In, Sn and most others
Detection Limits
~100 ppm for most metals in soil (100 second analysis)
Modes of Operation
Push to depth, stop to collect data; Continuous push and data collection; Lab stand analysis configuation
Push Rate
1.5 cm/s during continuous data collection; can be adapted for vertical resolution and detection limit