Instrument Database:
Elemental Scientific Inc. (ESI) - Apex E High Efficiency Inlet System for ICP-AES

Year of introduction |
Status |
available |
Company |
Elemental Scientific Inc. (ESI)
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Sample introduction: Desolvation |
High Efficiency Inlet System for ICP-AES Low cost unit primarily designed for ICP Emission systems. The sample path is made from Pyrex and temperature settings of the heater and chiller are fixed.
ICP-AES detection limits can be improved by up to a factor of 6-10 when operating at 1 ml/min using a MicroFlow PFA-ST or PolyPro-ST nebulizer together with the Apex E. Alternatively, the combination of a low flow nebulizer with the Apex E maintains ICP-AES sensitivity while reducing sample consumption by a factor of 5 to 10, improving ICP-AES determinations when the volume of sample is limited.
- Lower cost high performance inlet system
- O-ring free Pyrex flow path
- PolyPro-ST or PFA-ST nebulizers
- Flow rates 100µL/min to 1mL/min
- Preset temperature settings for heater and cooler
- 6—10 fold enhancement in sensitivity
- Simple one switch control (on/off)
- Optional Membrane Desolvation
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