Instrument Database:
New Wave Research, Inc. - UP-XP FEMTO Laser Ablation

Year of introduction |
Status |
historical ( out of sale ) |
Company |
New Wave Research, Inc.
Categories |
Sample introduction: Laser ablation |
Femtosecond Laser Ablation Beam Delivery System* Fast-track to functionality - Turn-key operation for your femto- second laser for ICP-MS, IR-MS, noble gas MS and LIBS.
- Automated software control of the sample's motion, imaging and transport (carrier) gasses
- A beam delivery path designed to minimize losses and maximum the spot size range.
- Integrates with all ICP-MS instruments for seamless operation.
Tap the full potential of fs lasers for mass spectrometry - Supports several makes & models of NIR and UV femtosecond lasers
- Achieve near-micron spots the resolution of ion-microprobes
- Choose from a selection of calibrated, repeatable spot-sizes via software control
- Target multiple features, transects and zones for individual or continuous, auto-sampling analysis
- View and navigate samples using the Sample Mapping function
Initial data by researchers in both the ICP-MS and LIBS communities have demonstrated significant improvements in analytical performance using femtosecond laser ablation, especially in terms of precision, accuracy, reduced matrix effects and reduced fractionation. Configuration The UP-XP FEMTO mates to the customer supplied femtosecond lasers shown (see table) via a coupling mirror in the back. The laser is typically placed on an optical table (not provided) along side of the Universal Platform pictured below. The Universal Platform comes complete with color video microscope, motorized zoom magnification, aperture imaged beam delivery with motorized aperture wheel, ICP-MS sample chamber, XYZ stages, automated solenoids to route carrier gasses, transmitted / reflected and flood lighting, cross-polarizers, class 1 enclosure. | |