A range of accessories is available to provide a fully automated System capable of unattended operation. The SPS-5 Sample Preparation System has up to 500 tube positions, which can be used in conjunction with the other accessories which provide conventional nebulization, ultrasonic nebulization or hydride generation. Various rack combinations are available for a range of sample volumes, ensuring maximum flexibility for fully automated analyses.
Serviceability and remote diagnostics
UltraMass has been designed to allow quick and easy access to components for routine maintenance.
TeleDiagnostics TM provides facilities for the remote examination of results data files, analytical methods and error log data files. This minimises support call time, in turn reducing maintenance costs. Extra services, such as assistance with analytical methods also become available by remote communication.
Multi-Tasking software
UltraMass uses the IBM OS/2 TM graphical user interface operating system. This provides full multi-tasking capabilities even allowing third party software to run concurrently. You can develop a method while an automated analytical procedure is proceeding. You can also monitor results, peak shapes and mass spectra scans at the same time. This greatly enhances your productivity, minimizing the time you spend waiting for the computer to complete a task.

Total computer control
All instrument parameters are centrally controlled by the computer. Analytical methods can be developed for individual applications and used in an automated analysis with any other developed methods for optimal results. Individual analytical methods may include different measurement modes and conditions for RF power, plasma gases, sampling depth and ion optics settings.
Quality Control Protocols
Full Quality Control Protocols (QCP) to cover anticipated US EPA requirements are built into the UltraMass software. You can choose QCP parameters and definable limits, ensuring maximum flexibility. In-run monitoring of analytical performance is achieved by the multiple windows facility of the OS/2 operating system. This can simultaneously display any of the following:
- Full mass spectra
- Zoomed regions for peak shape monitoring
- Analytical results with statistics
- 'Live' continuous plotting of ion count rates for up to five selected species, or ratios.
A global picture of instrument status can be obtained in seconds, without moving from the computer.
Results editing facilities are available, together with customized printed results capabilities. Downloading of results after inspection of their quality integrity is easily achieved with the exporting facility, which includes filters to simplify data interpretation after downloading.
Automation wich confidence
All samples are subjected to "Scout"; a unique reconnaissance scan performed prior to analysis. This prevents damage to the detector by unforeseen high signals. "Scout" also improves productivity by eliminating the need for screening of unknown samples by other techniques such as ICP-AES or AAS.
Safe Operation
All instrument parameters are controlled by the computer. A programmable logic device is built into the instrument hardware, acting as a watchdog. All instructions are interrogated for safety and validity, providing an additional level of protection for you and the instrument.
Sample introduction
The external sample introduction assembly provides a stable environment for the spray chamber and nebulizer, unaffected by the temperature in the torch compartment. Easy access is provided for all components and accessories to allow rapid interchange. The inert Sturman-Masters spray chamber can be fitted with either a concentric glass nebulizer or an inert V-groove nebulizer. Both are an efficient means of producing an aerosol with very fine droplets, required to achieve the best signal and stability, while providing fast washout times. A four-channel, computer controlled peristaltic pump is standard, for versatility in sample presentation, including internal standard introduction.
Torch compartment
The plasma torch and the patented "Turner" interlaced induction coils assembly are mounted on a computer-controlled X, Y, Z plane translation assembly for accurate and reproducible positioning of the plasma. The "Turner" interlaced induction coils were specifically designed for ICP-MS. They contribute substantially to the efficient coupling of power into the plasma. This reduces interferences and improves the performance for organic samples. The torch compartment provides easy access to all components, including the interface between the plasma and the mass spectrometer. This will reduce the time spent on routine maintenance.
Power generation
The power for the plasma is generated by a computer-controlled, solid state, water-cooled RF generator, operating at the industry standard of 40.68 MHz. The UltraMass' coupling of the RF power into the plasma gives a measured efficiency of 90% - the highest yet reported for any ICP system. This high efficiency gives superb performance with organics, prolongs the life of components and contributes to the stability of results.
Vacuum system
The Varian turbomolecular and rotary pumps used in the UltraMass are computer controlled for simple, reliable start-up and shutdown. They are easily accessed for routine maintenance.
Mass spectrometer
The Varian-manufactured unit consisting of ion lens stack, quadrupole mass filter and detector assembly, can be removed and replaced easily by a trained person. This permits fast and easy cleaning of the ion lenses, ensuring good routine performance and improved productivity.