All about Mass Spectrometry: Resources related to Mass Spectrometry
This list of resources gives access to relevant information with respect to mass spectrometry. In case that you look for very specific information please consult the appropriate EVISA "Brief Summary" page related to your topic.
Related EVISA Resources Brief Summary: ICP-MS - A versatile detection system for speciation analysis Brief Summary: LC-ICP-MS - The most often used hyphenated system for speciation analysis Brief Summary: GC-ICP-MS: A very sensitive hyphenated system for speciation analysis Brief Summary: CE-ICP-MS for speciation analysis Brief Summary: ESI-MS: The tool for the identification of species Brief summary: Terminology related to mass spectrometry EVISA Glossary: Terms related to mass spectrometry EVISA Database SystemJournal Database: Journals related to Mass SpectrometryCompany Database: Mass Spectrometry Societies Manufacturers of ESI-MS instruments Manufacturers of GC/MS instruments Manufacturers of GD-MS instruments Manufacturers of ICP-MS instruments Manufacturers of IRMS instruments Manufacturers of MALDI instruments Manufacturers of SIMS/SNMS instruments Manufacturers of TIMS instruments Manufacturers of Electron-MultipliersScientists Database: Scientists working with ESI-MS Scientists working with GC-MS Scientists working with GD-MS Scientists working with ICP-MS Scientists working with IRMS Scientists working with MALDI Scientists working with SIMS/SNMS Scientists working with TIMSInstrument Database: ESI-MS instruments GC-MS instruments GD-MS instruments ICP-MS instruments IRMS instruments MALDI instruments SIMS/SNMS instruments TIMS instrumentsComponents Database: Electron Multipliers
Link Database: Analytical methods using mass spectrometry Research groups using mass spectrometry Research projects making use of mass spectrometryAgenda of Events: EVISA Agenda of Events related to Mass Spectrometry Annual ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics DGMS: List of Events SIMS Workshop: SIMS meetingsEVISA News: EVISA News related to Mass SpectrometryNewsgroups/Discussion Groups/List-servers/Fora ASMS Interest Group Forums BMSS - Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group FAQS.ORG: Mass Spectrometry Internet Resources i-mass (international mass spectrometry web resource) IonSource Mass Spectrometry and Biotechnology Resource Kermit Murray's Mass Spectrometry Blog MALDI Mass Spectrometric Imaging Interest Group MSC: - The Mass Spectrometry Web Portal North Jersey Mass Spec Discussion Group Pacific Northwest Mass Spectrometry Group
PlasmaChem Discussion Forum: Search the Archive San Francisco Bay Area Mass Spectrometry (BAMS) discussion group
SIMS Workshop SpectroscopyNow: Mass Spectrometry Section Technology Network: Mass Spectrometry - The Online Scientific Community Usenet Mass Spectroscopy Newsgroup Terminology EVISA Glossary (including but not limited to mass spectrometry terms) EVISA Brief Summary: Terminology related to Mass Spectrometry MS Terms Wiki: Standard definitions of terms relating to mass spectrometry InstrumentationIon sources Wikipedia: Ion sourcesMass analyzers Wikipedia: Fourier transform mass spectrometry Wikipedia: Orbitrap mass analyzer Wikipedia: Quadrupole ion trap Wikipedia: Quadrupole mass analyzer Wikipedia: Sector field instruments Wikipedia: Time-of-flight instruments Tutorials and other basic information ASMS: What is Mass Spectrometry ? Freelanceteach: Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (Video Part 1) Freelanceteach: Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (Video Part 2) Freelanceteach: Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (Video Part 3) Freelanceteach: Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (Video Part 4) Freelanceteach: Introduction to Mass Spectrometry (Video Part 5) IonSource: Electrospray Mass Spectra Interpretation IonSource: Guide to Protein Post-Translational Modifications IonSource: Isotopes IonSource: Principles of MS Quantitation IonSource: Protein Identification IonSource: Small Molecule Drug Metabolism IonSource: De Novo Peptide Sequencing Tutorial Iowa State University: Mass Spectrometry On-line Tutorial James K. Hardy's GC/MS for Chromatographers LC/GC's CHROMacademy: Mass Spec MatrixScience: Accuracy & Resolution MatrixScience: Peptide Fragmentation MatrixScience: MS/MS Ions Search Science Hypermedia: Introduction to Mass Spectrometry Scripps Center of Metabolomics and Mass Spectrometry: History of Mass Spectrometry Time Of Flight / TOF Mass Spectrometer Tutorial UC Davis: Accurate Mass UC Davis: Accurate Isotopic Abundances Wikipedia: Mass spectrometry Data CSLS Service - Chemical Structure Lookup Service (some 27 million unique structures) Elemental composition and isotopic abundances, as published by IUPAC 2002-10-02 Inorganic Ventures: Analytical Periodic System MaConDa: Mass Spedctrometry Contaminants Database MassBank: public repository of mass spectral data MatrixScience: Amino Acid Reference Data METLIN: Metabolite and Tandem MS Database isoMETLIN: Isotope Metabolite MS Database NIST: Atomic Weights and Isotope Composition with Relative Atomic Masses NIST: NIST Chemistry WebBook NIST: Libraries of Peptide Tandem Mass Spectra Pubchem: Small Molecule Database (containing more than 12 Million substances) The Lipid Library: A site dedicated to lipids (introduction to
lipids, lipid protocols, MS of lipids, EI spectral libraries, and lipid
NMR data) The RNA modification database provides a comprehensive listing of posttranscriptionally modified nucleosides from RNA and is maintained as an updated version of the initial printed report Thermodynamics
Research Laboratory: Thermodynamic Data and Property Calculation Sites on the Web UC Davis: Database Aggregators for Metabolomics WebElements: Periodic system with essential data Worthington Enzyme Manual (A searchable
database of enzymes at Worthington Biochemical Corporation, each enzyme record includes digest methods and ample references) Tools (online service and downloadable software) ABRF - Delta Mass: A Database of Protein Post Translational Modifications ChemCalc: Calculate molecular formula, molecular mass, exact mass, elemental analysis and plots the isotopic distribution graph Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry (Provides access to the following programs: MS-Dictionary, MS-Generating
Function, MS-Clustering, Spectral Networks, PepNovo, Phosphorylation search) Chime: a web based program which displays molecular structure ETH - MassSearch: Searching SwissProt or TrEMBL by protein mass after digestion ExPASy: SIB Bioinformatics Resource Portal Institute for Systems Biology: Proteomic Tools (peptide fragment
calculator, protein digester, DNA translator, composition calculator) IsoPro - mass spectral isotopic distribution simulator Mascot - a
powerful search engine that uses MS data to identify
proteins from primary sequence databases mMass - Open Source Mass Spectrometry Tool for Mass Spectrometric Data Analysis
MS Fragment Wizard
NIST: MassSpectator (online peak area calculator) OMSSA, a free protein database MS search engine RNA/DNA masspec toolboxThe Toolbox contains a set of mass spectrometry-related utility programs which provide for calculation of oligonucleotide mass values for RNA and DNA and enzymatic cleavage fragments, and of sequence ions from collision-induced dissociation, all with provision for use of modified residues.
Rockefeller University - Proteomics protocols and software Scientific Instruments Services: Isotope Distribution Calculator and Mass Spec Plotter Scientific Instruments Services: Mass Spectrum Generator Smile MS:molecule computational toolkit (isotopic ratio distribution, mass to formula finder, mass based Pubchem (toxicology) content search tool) University of Liverpool: Buffers - A recipe calculator for thermodynamically correct buffers for pH control UC Davis: Mass Spectrometry Adduct Calculator UC Davis: Structure Elucidation of Small Molecules UC Davis: Mass Spectral Imaging University of Sheffield's ChemPuter: Molecular Weight and Isotope Pattern Calculators UCSF - ProteinProspector (Proteomics tools for mining sequence databases) UCSF - MS-Bridge linked peptide search of MS data at the UCSF Protein Prospector web site. Useful in identifying disulfide lined peptides. Utah University: Elemental Composition Calculator v1.0 Maintenance and trouble-shooting DeTech: Technical note about electron multipliers Georgia Institute of Technology: Mass Spectrometry Troubleshooting guide
Mass Spec Source: Mass spectrometer source cleaning SISWEB: Mass Spec Tips Spectroscopy: Mass Spectrometry Troubleshooting Guide
Waters Support Library
Waters: Controling Contamination in UltraPerformance LC®/MS and HPLC/MS Systems Waters: Common Background Ions
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Resources related to mass spectrometry
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last time modified: February 27, 2024