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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

All about Chromatography - Resources related to Chromatography

EVISA Resources

EVISA Brief Summaries
LC-ICP-MS - The most often used hyphenated system for speciation analysis
 GC-ICP-MS: A very sensitive hyphenated system for speciation analysis
 CE-ICP-MS for speciation analysis

EVISA Database System
Journal Database: Journals related to Chromatography
Company Database: Organizations related to Chromatography
Company Database: Manufacturer providing HPLC systems
Company Database: Manufacturer providing GC systems
Company Database: Manufacturer providing SFC systems
Instrument Database: LC/HPLC Systems
Instrument Database: GC Systems
Instrument Database: SFC Systems

Newsgroups/Discussion Groups/List-servers/Fora

Chromatography Forum @ Separation Science
A message board for raising questions on troubleshooting. The page includes the responses to questions presented to the forum.

SeparationsNow @ Wiley
An online resource for the separation science community provided by Wiley.

TechnologyNetworks: Chromatography
           The Online Scientific Community  providing a web-based information
           solution for those working within the Life Science and Drug Discovery


IUPAC: Compendium of Chemical Terminology 
          This site includes most chromatography terms

LC Resources: The Language of HPLC
A glossary provided by LC Resources

LC/GC Magazine: Glossary of Liquid-Phase Separation Terms
extensive glossary of definitions and terms used in the liquid-phase  separation techniques of high performance liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, and capillary electrochromatography

Waters: HPLC Nomenclature
A brief glossary provided by Waters


A comprehensive HPLC video by Educational Solutions

An introduction given by the encyclopedia Britannica.

  Getting Started in HPLC
A text-based introductory on-line cource provided by LC Resources.

HPLC Basics by Waters

Instrumental Chemistry: Chromatography and Sample Preparation
This site is designed to give students of Analytical Chemistry a better understanding of chromatography, both gas chromatography and liquid chromatography. The major focus of this site is on animations available for each topic.

LC/GC's CHROMacademy: GC
The CHROMacademy GC training courses cover the fundamental principles like column installation, column conditioning and the principles of split injection through to advanced concepts such as optimization of injection, detection conditions and method development.
LC/GC's CHROMacademy: HPLC
The CHROMacademy HPLC training courses cover the fundamental concepts such as the resolution equation and mechanisms of the various separation modes to more advanced topics such as gradient optimization, working principles of pumps, autosamplers and detectors.
LC-GC's CHROMacademy: Mass Spec
The CHROMacademy Mass Spec and LCMS training courses cover the fundamental principles such as obtaining ions in solution, ion production in the gas phase and mass analysis through to advanced concepts including optimizing API interface parameters, optimizing mass analyzer settings, interpretation of LCMS spectra and MS – MS and MSn experiments.

LC/GC's CHROMacademy: Sample Prep
The CHROMacademy Sample Prep courses cover the fundamental principles including analyte polarity, sorbent choice and mechanisms of SPE through to advanced concepts sucj as optimizing protocol steps, selecting correct washing and elution solvents and using mixed mode and polymer phases for optimum selectivity and extract cleanliness.

James K. Hardy, The University of Akron: Chemical Separation
This area contains copies of the lecture presentations associated with 3150:640 - Chemical Separations. Lecture slides can be viewed by selecting the appropriate chapter. This course stresses theory and application of modern chromatographic methods.

A chemistry education video from the Royal Society of Chemistry on High Performance Liquid Chromatography

An education video from the Royal Society of Chemistry on gas chromatography

ThermoFisher Scientific: HPLC Introduction
LC instrument overview, guidelines for basic operation, best practices, maintenance, and much more.

Tutorials, tools, methods and applications.

Thin-Layer Chromatography
An undergraduate course provided by the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Methods and Techniques

The Nest Group: IdeaBook
A list of tricks for HPLC column selection in special cases

NOVIA: HPLC-Tipps (in German)

HPLC Hints and Tips for Chromatographers
The HPLC related "Hints and Tips" found on this page will be of interest to anyone performing HPLC, UHPLC, LC/MS or SFC analysis. Many of these tips are presented in chromatography training courses offered by Chiralizer Services, LLC. Tips also explain fundamental chromatography concepts in a practical way and include computer related tips which can help solve other common problems encountered in the laboratory.
The LC/MS Homepage
This site is designed to provide access to up-to-date information about LC/MS and enhance the overall knowledge of LC/MS
An easy-to-use tool that ensures you find the right LC column for your experimental requirements


Acid-Base Dissociation Constants for 600 Organic Compounds

Compilation of Acid-Base Dissociation Constants for 2000 Compounds from 96 References
This reference, which was compiled by W. R. Jencks, F. H. Westheimer, and R. Williams, documents acid-base dissociation constants for more than 2000 organic and inorganic chemical compounds.

Bioinformatics: Buffer Design
This on-line software is based on the book "Buffer Solutions" by R. J. Beynon and J. S. Easterby

Tingyue Gu's Chromatography Simulation Home Page: Chromulator

Chromatography Simulator from the University of Athens
A simple simulator for educational use available for free.

University of Liverpool: Buffer Calculator

A recipe calculator for thermodynamically correct buffers for pH control

HPLC Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting

 Delloyd's Lab Tech resources: HPLC Trouble-Shooting
LC/GC ChromAcademy: HPLC TroubleShooter
LCResources: The HPLC Troubleshooting Wizard
Machery & Nagel: HPLC Trouble-Shooting
MedTechnica: Troubleshooting Common HPLC Problems
Waters: Controlling Contamination in UltraPerformance LC/MS and HPLC/MS Systems
Waters: HPLC Troubleshooting Guide

Other EVISA Link pages related to specific domains of analytical sciences:

Resources related to analytical sciences
Resources related to atomic spectrometry
Resources related to molecular spectrometry
Resources related to mass spectrometry
Resources related to quality assurance/quality control

last time modified: February 27, 2024


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