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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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All about Atomic Spectrometry - Resources related to Atomic Spectrometry

EVISA Resources related to Atomic Spectrometry

Company Database: Manufacturers of AAS Instruments
Company Database: Manufacturers of AES Instruments
Company Database: Manufacturers of AFS Instruments
Company Database: Spectroscopy Societies
Journal Database: Journals related to Atomic Spectroscopy
Brief Summary: Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry as a Detection System for Speciation Analysis

Instrument Database: Atomic Absorption Spectrometers (General)
Instrument Database: Atomic Absorption Spectrometers (Flame)
Instrument Database: Atomic Absorption Spectrometers  (Furnace)
Instrument Database: Atomic Absorption Spectrometers  (Flame/Furnace)
Instrument Database: Atomic Absorption Spectrometers  (Simultaneous)
Instrument Database: Atomic Absorption Spectrometers  (Tandem)

Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (General)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (Arc/Spark)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (CCP-AES)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (DCP-AES)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (Flame)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (GDS)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (LIBS)
Instrument Database: Atomic Emission Spectrometer (MIP)
Instrument Database: Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer
Instrument Database: Dedicated Analyzers: Mercury Analyzer
Journal Database: Journals related to Atomic Spectroscopy

Brief summary: Terminology related to atomic spectrometry

Newsgroups/Discussion Groups/List-servers/Fora

GD-OES (Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry) Discussion Group
A Linked In forum maintained by HORIBA 

SpectroscopyNow @ Wiley
Free-access spectroscopy portal covering the major techniques including mass, infrared, NMR and atomic spectroscopy.

A list-server for the Plasma Chemistry community, discussing issues related to ICP-OES, MIP-OES, DCP-OES, ICP-MS and related techniques



Atomic Structure and the Periodic Chart @ Stephan Lower. Simon Fraser University
Online eText gives a thorough descriptive overview of atomic structure. The site is organized into sections on light particles and waves, the Bohr atom, the quantum atom, atomic electron configuration, and periodic properties. Hyperlinks to interactive demonstrations of physiochemical principals with questions posed are included. At the end of each section, flowcharts, called "concept maps" guide the students from basic principles to working concepts.

Concepts, Instrumentation and Techniques in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry  
This pdf file written by Richard D. Beaty and Jack D. Kerber (Perkin-Elmer) contains a well written and thorough introduction to atomic absorption suitable for use by undergraduates and faculty teaching instrumental analysis courses. Topics covered in the document include theoretical concepts and definitions, flame atomic absorption, instrumentation, analytical interferences, sampling techniques, graphite furnace atomic absorption, and plasma techniques.

Atomic Emission Spectroscopy @ Alexander Scheeline
A learning module that explains the instrumental systems and interactions involved in atomic emission for elemental analysis. Completion of the module will leave the learner with knowledge of optics, plasma sources, and trade-offs in choosing the right instrument for a given analytical task.

ICP Operations: A Guide for New ICP Users @ Dr. Paul Gaines Details
A handbook for ICP analysis. Topics such as matrix compatibility, quality control, spectral interferences, instrument operation (e.g. sample introduction, nebulization, etc.) make this an excellent practical yet concise manual on ICP operation.

NIST: Atomic Spectroscopy: A compendium of Basic Ideas, Notation, Data, Formulas

Tunable Monochromator Movie
This Quick Time movie illustrates and describes to operation of a Czerny-Turner monochromator. The slits, mirrors, grating and grating scan are described in the production of a specific wavelength at the outlet slit.

University of Hannover: Atomic spectra


Harvard University: Atomic spectral line database
          built from atomic data files from R.L. Kurucz' CD-ROM 23

NIST: Atomic Spectroscopy Databases

NIST: Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data  
This National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) site containing atomic spectroscopic reference data. Information can be accessed through a variety of means, such as an interactive periodic table and dropdown lists of elements organized by name or atomic number. Data available include isotope abundance, electron configuration, nuclear spin, magnetic moment, ionization energies, spectral line wavelengths and intensities, and energy level information. References are also given.

Weizmann Institute of Sciences: Databases for Atomic and Plasma Physics
A link collection of databases related to atomic and plasma physics

Manufacturer's Information

Thermo Scientific: Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)

Other EVISA Link pages related to specific domains of analytical sciences:

Analytical sciences resources
Molecular spectrometry resources
Mass spectrometry resources
Radioanalytical methods resources
Chromatography resources
Quality assurance/quality control resources

last time modified: February 27, 2024


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