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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Marine Environmental Research


Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents; EMBASE; EMBiology;
Energy Information Abstracts; Engineering Index;
Environmental Abstracts; Environmental Periodicals Bibliography; GEOBASE; GeoSciTech; Marine Literature Review; Marine Science Contents Tables;
Oceanographic Literature Review; Petroleum Abstracts; Science Citation Index; Scopus

Source type
First volume
Last volume
Marine Environmental Research publishes original research papers on chemical, physical, and biological interactions in the oceans and coastal waters. The journal serves as a forum for new information on biology, chemistry, and toxicology and syntheses that advance understanding of marine environmental processes. Submission of multidisciplinary studies is encouraged. Studies that utilize experimental approaches to clarify the roles of anthropogenic and natural causes of changes in marine ecosystems are especially welcome, as are those studies that represent new developments of a theoretical or conceptual aspect of marine science. All papers published in this journal are reviewed by qualified peers prior to acceptance and publication. Examples of topics considered to be appropriate for the journal include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • the extent, persistence, and consequences of change and the recovery from such change in natural marine systems
  • the biochemical, physiological, and ecological consequences of contaminants to marine organisms and ecosystems
  • the biogeochemistry of naturally occurring and anthropogenic substances
  • models that describe and predict the above processes
  • monitoring studies, to the extent that their results provide new information on functional processes
  • methodological papers describing improved quantitative techniques for the marine sciences

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