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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Quantum Beam Science


Chemical Abstracts (ACS), DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Inspec (IET),

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Quantum Beam Science is an international, open access journal publishing reviews and original research focusing on the application of quantum beams for the study and characterization of materials in their widest sense, as well as developments of quantum beam sources, instrumentation and facilities. The journal publishes reviews, original research articles, and communications; there is no restriction on the length of the papers.

Quantum beams include synchrotron radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, neutron beams, electrons, lasers, muons, positrons, ions, or extremely strong lasers while materials can be crystalline, amorphous, magnetic, metallic, ceramic, biologic, hard and soft matter, warm dense matter, functional, structural and so on. Quantum Beam Science covers a broad range of disciplines including, but not limited to, solid state physics, chemistry, crystallography, materials science, biology, geology, earth- and planetary materials, engineering. Examples of investigations are phase transformations in alloy development, modulated structures in spintronic systems, crystalline order and disorder, stresses in engineering specimens, changes in amorphous structure, excitations in functional materials, the interior of stars, electrochemistry in ion battery systems, imaging in life sciences, and propagation of dislocations in crystals.

Papers and Special Issues are encouraged that present multiple quantum beams for complementary studies, such as neutron and synchrotron radiation, or muons and neutrons, in order to provide more comprehensive and complementary data. Instrumental publications may cover large user facilities, novel developments, sources, spectrometers, diffractometers, functionality, physical and optical based background, scattering and interaction theories with respect to the application, and the fundamentals of the probe.

The journal covers the following topics within the context of quantum beam science:

Quantum beams:

  • synchrotron radiation
  • X-rays
  • gamma rays
  • neutron scattering
  • free electron lasers
  • muons
  • positrons
  • electron scattering
  • high-strength lasers
  • protons, ions
  • extremely strong lasers


  • materials science
  • soft condensed matter
  • hard condensed matter
  • materials under extreme conditions
  • high pressure, high temperature, warm dense matter
  • radiation damage
  • quantum states, Bose-Einstein condensates, low temperature
  • dynamics of materials
  • density of states
  • diffusion, phonons, magnons, excitons
  • kinetics of materials, chemical reactions, catalysis
  • phase transformations
  • crystalline, charge and magnetic structure
  • protein crystallography
  • amorphous materials, glasses, liquids, gasses
  • engineering applications (strain, stress, texture, fatigue)
  • in-situ, real-time observations
  • bulk, surfaces, interfaces, atomic layers


  • facilities, sources
  • beamlines
  • sample environment
  • quantum beam optics
  • computing
  • combination of quantum beams
  • data analysis


  • quantum beam interactions
  • interferometry
  • fundamental optics
  • cross sections
  • scattering theories
  • complementarity of different quantum beams

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