Mercury in Drugs and Biological Products
The information in this list is derived from submissions made by manufacturers+1 in response to the agency's call-for-data notices of December 14, 1998 (63 FR 68775), April 29, 1999 (64 FR 23083) and February 3, 2003 (68 FR 5299), the agency's Drug Registration and Listing System, and other agency sources. Products submitted in response to any of the call-for-data notices are preceded by an asterisk (*). The mercury ingredients are abbreviated as TM for thimerosal, PMA for phenylmercuric acetate, PMN for phenylmercuric nitrate, MA for mercuric acetate, MN for mercuric nitrate, MB for merbromin, and MOY for mercuric oxide yellow. The list includes nonhomeopathic human and veterinary drug products and human biological products. Homeopathic drug products are not included because of the low amounts of mercury present in the products. The abbreviation NS under the % column means that the information was "not stated" in the agency's Drug Registration and Listing System.