Name: Beryllium (Be)
Use: used in aerospace, electronics, nuclear weapons and other industries requiring specialty metal alloys
Source: burning of coal and oil release in environment, workplace exposure inhalation most serious or skin contact
Recommended daily intake: none (not essential)
Absorption: inhalation, skin
Sensitive individuals: workers with genetic susceptability
Toxicity/symptoms: chronic beryllium disease (CPD) or berylliosis, serious immunologically mediated disease, progressive can lead to death
Regulatory facts: NIOSH 0.5 ug/m3 in air, EPA 0.01 ug/m3 (more details)
General facts: can be tested for genetic susceptibility
Environmental: released by burning coal or oil
Recommendations: avoid inhalation or skin contact
Background Information
Summary of health effects (CPD)
Summary of genetic susceptibility
Beryllium - A case study (pdf)