WHO: Antimony - Kinetics and metabolism in laboratory animals and humans
The solubility of ATO in synthetic gastric juice has been shown to be 20 mg/litre after 24 h (DuPont, 2001). However, studies on absorption indicate that it is relatively low. Even in soluble forms, antimony is not readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, irrespective of the valence state (Felicetti et al., 1974). Absorption rates between 5% and 20% have been observed in animals (Moskalev, 1959; Waitz et al., 1965; Van Bruwaene, 1982). Examination of four persons after involuntary acute intoxication with APT revealed an absorption rate of 5% (Iffland & Bösche, 1987; Lauwers et al., 1990).