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All about arsenic

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The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of arsenic speciation:
- arsenic species determination (analytical methods etc)
- toxicity and biological activity of different arsenic species
- distribution and fate of arsenic species in the environment
- mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of arsenic species
- Research groups and their projects related to the chemical speciation of As
- Standards, rules and legislation related to arsenic

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Chemical Analysis

HSE: MDHS41/2 Arsenic and inorganic compounds of arsenic (except arsine) in air
Laboratory method using continuous flow or flow injection analysis hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry Note 1: This method updates and replaces MDHS 41.1The principal change is that...

IFA: Analytical Methods for Chemical Agents at Workplaces: ANCAWt stibine)
ContentThe AMCAW database of analytical methods for chemical agents at workplaces contains suitable validated methods for measuring hazardous substances in workplace atmospheres. Substances of impo...

In-situ separation of As(III)/As(V) during sampling procedure in natural water
In-situ separation of AsIII & AsV during sampling procedure in natural waterStummeyer Jens, Harazim BodoThe following arsenic compounds are found in natural water:In natural water (groundwater, d...

In-situ separation of AsIII & AsV during sampling procedure in natural water
In natural water (groundwater, drinking water and soil pore water) different arsenic compounds like arsenite, arsenate, mono- and dimethylarsinic acids are found depending on conditions like bacterial...

Methode d'analyse - Arsine . Phosphine . Stibine
Fiche Metropol INRS.Métropol est un recueil de techniques de prélčvement et d'analyse des polluants présents dans l'air des locaux de travail...

National Academies Press: Arsenic in Drinking Water
Executive SummaryThe Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish national standards for contaminants in public drinking-water supplies. Enforc...

NEMI Method Summary: 1632: Chemical Speciation of Arsenic in Water and Tissue
Brief Method Summary:      After collection, an aliquot of water sample or tissue digestate is placed in a specially designed reaction vessel to which 6M HCl is added, followed by the addition of 4% N...

NIOSH Method 5022: Organo arsenic compounds
Topic: Organioarsenic compounds in airSampling: 1-µm PTFE filterSeparation: Ion chromatographyDetection: Hydride AAS (LOD: 0.2 µg per sample)...

NIOSH Method 6001: Arsine
Topic: Arsine in workplace airSampling: Solid sorbent tube (charcoal)Detection: Graphite furnace AAS (LOD: 0.004 µg per sample)...

NIOSH Method 7900: Arsenic compounds
Topic: Arsenic compounds in air (except AsH3 and As2O3)Sampling: 0.8 µm cellulose membrane filterDetection: Hydride generation AAS (LOD 0.02 µg per sample)...

NIOSH Method 7901: Arsenic trioxide
Topic: Arsenic trioxide in air (workplace)Sampling: 0.8 µm cellulose ester membrane filter, Na2CO3-impregnatedDetection: Graphite furnace AAS (LOD: 0.06 µg per sample)...

OSHA Method 1006: Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, and Nickel
This method describes the collection and subsequent analysis of airborne metal and metalloid particulates by ICP-MS. It provides rapid preparation of samples collected on MCE filters, and simulta...

OSHA Method ID-105: Inorganic Arsenic in Workplace Atmospheres
Inorganic arsenic particulate in the air is collected by drawing a known volume of the air through a 0.8-µm mixed-cellulose ester (MCE) filter and backup pad using a calibrated personal sampling pump....

OSHA: Chemical Sampling Information: Arsenic, Organic Compounds (as As)
General Description Synonyms: organoarsenicals; arsenicals OSHA IMIS Code Number: A202 Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number: 7440-38-2 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, Arsenic, Or...

OSHA: Chemical Sampling Information: Arsenic, Inorganic
General Description Synonyms: Includes Copper Acetoarsenite and all inorganic compounds such as Lead Arsenate containing arsenic except arsine, measured as (As) OSHA IMIS Code Number: 0260 Chemical...

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