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All about arsenic

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The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of arsenic speciation:
- arsenic species determination (analytical methods etc)
- toxicity and biological activity of different arsenic species
- distribution and fate of arsenic species in the environment
- mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of arsenic species
- Research groups and their projects related to the chemical speciation of As
- Standards, rules and legislation related to arsenic

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Australian Government: National Pollutant Inventory: Arsenic and compounds
Arsenic occurs naturally in the environment, and is generally combined with oxygen, chlorine and sulphur to form inorganic arsenic compounds. Organic arsenic compounds are formed when the element c...

BfR: Fragen und Antworten zu Arsengehalten in Reis und Reisprodukten
Die Europäische Kommission hat beschlossen, Höchstgehalte für anorganisches Arsen in Reis und Reisprodukten mit Wirkung zum 01. Januar 2016 einzuführen. Das BfR hat Fragen und An...

BGS: Arsenic contamination of groundwater
The BGS has been involved with research into the hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry of arsenic in a number of high-arsenic aquifers across the world. This work has been funded by a number of o...

Blacksmith Institute: Arsenic in Groundwater - Arsenic Pollution
Arsenic is a semi-metallic element – although it is generally referred to as a heavy metal – that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust and has no discernible taste or odor. In its...

Blacksmith Institute: Arsenic in Groundwater - Arsenic Pollution
Arsenic is a semi-metallic element – although it is generally referred to as a heavy metal – that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust and has no discernible taste or odor. In its...

Brief overview: Arsenic exposure, metabolism, and health effects
Keywprds: Arsenic, Toxicity, Exposure, Drinking water, Bangladesh, Hyperkeratosis, Biomethylation, Speciation analysisDr. X. Chris LeSpeciation Arsenic Interactions CE/LIFP DNA damage Biomarkers Conta...

British Columbia: Approved Water Quality Guidelines
Approved water quality guidelines are policy statements and apply all over B.C. Water quality guidelines are used to: Protect water values, including: aquatic life, wildlife, drinking water sources,...

CAMEO Chemicals: 4-Hydroxy-3-Nitrophenyl Arsonic Acid (Roxarsone)
Chemical data sheet for:4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL ARSONIC ACIDSection 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Resp...

CAMEO Chemicals: 4-Hydroxy-3-Nitrophenyl Arsonic Acid (Roxarsone)
Chemical data sheet for:4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL ARSONIC ACIDSection 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Resp...

CAMEO Chemicals: Arsenic
Chemical data sheet for: ARSENICSection 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Response Recommendations Section...

CAMEO Chemicals: Arsenic
Chemical data sheet for: ARSENICSection 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Response Recommendations Section...

Chemical data sheet for: ARSENIC ACID, LIQUID Section 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Response Recommend...

Chemical data sheet for: ARSENIC ACID, LIQUID Section 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Response Recommend...

Chemical data sheet for: ARSENIC ACID, SOLIDSection 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Response Recommendat...

Chemical data sheet for: ARSENIC ACID, SOLIDSection 1 - Chemical Identifiers Section 4 - Physical Properties Section 2 - Hazards Section 5 - Regulatory Information Section 3 - Response Recommendat...

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