The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of copper speciation:
- copper species determination (analytical methods etc)
- toxicity and biological activity of different copper species
- distribution and fate of copper species in the environment
- mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of copper species
- Research groups and their projects related to the chemical speciation of Cu
- Standards, rules and legislation related to copper
If you are looking for something special, please go to the Link Database that will allow for more specific search.
Certain essential metals and metal ions are required for the action of the human body, generally by their action on permitting the activity of enzymes and allowing specific carrier molecules to wo...
DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Most of the copper in the body is located in the liver, bones, and muscle, but traces of copper occur ...
Copper dimethyldithiocarbamate (CAS 137-29-1) The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests ...
Copper dimethyldithiocarbamate (CAS 137-29-1) The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests ...
Copper-8-hydroxyquinoline (CAS 10380-28-6) The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on ...
Copper-8-hydroxyquinoline (CAS 10380-28-6) The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on ...
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MINERAL INTAKE FROM WATER The initial undertaking of the first Safe Drinking Water Committee (SDWC) was the identification of substances and their concentrations in the n...
EPER is the European Pollutant Emission Register, which was established by a Commission Decision of 17 July 2000. The EPER Decision is based on Article 15(3) of Council Directive 96/61/EC concer...
The Need for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA)as a Timber PreservativeThis site has been researched and written by Nina Lansbury Hall and Sh...
Because CCA leaches out of the treated timber over time there can be residues of arsenic, copper and chromium on the surfaces of the wood and it can be was...
APVMA Review A review of CCA has been carried out by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). APVMA...
CCA-treated timber is timber preserved with Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) or Chromated Copper Arsenate, as it is known in some countries. The copper (23-25%...
Kupfer Formel: Cu; CAS-Nummer: 7440-50-8 Kupfer ist ein Metall, das in der Natur weit verbreitet ist und auch von Menschen vielfach genutzt wird. Anwendung findet es vor allem in der Elektro-...
Kupfer Formel: Cu; CAS-Nummer: 7440-50-8 Kupfer ist ein Metall, das in der Natur weit verbreitet ist und auch von Menschen vielfach genutzt wird. Anwendung findet es vor allem in der Elektro-...
Metalle Achtzig Prozent der Elemente auf der Erde gehören zu den Metallen. Metalle sind in der Umwelt allgegenwärtig als Bestandteil...
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