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All about copper

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The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of copper speciation:
- copper species determination (analytical methods etc)
- toxicity and biological activity of different copper species
- distribution and fate of copper species in the environment
- mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of copper species
- Research groups and their projects related to the chemical speciation of Cu
- Standards, rules and legislation related to copper

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Umweltprobenbank: Metalle
Metalle Achtzig Prozent der Elemente auf der Erde gehören zu den Metallen. Metalle  sind in der Umwelt allgegenwärtig als Bestandteil...

UNEP - OpenWater: Copper
COPPER COPPER - TOTAL mg/L Cu - Flameless Atomic Absorption SpectrometryCOPPER SUSPENDED µg/g - Atomic Absorption Spectrometry – Direct AspirationCOPPER – DISSOLVED mg/L Cu - ...

US EPA - Safety Aspects of Fungicides:
The following discussion covers the recognized adverse effects of widelyused fungicides. For fungicides that have caused systemic poisoning, recom-mendations for management of poisonings and injurie...

US EPA: Basic Information about Copper in Drinking Water
EPA regulates copper in drinking water to protect public health. Copper may cause health problems if present in public or private water supplies in amounts greater than the drinking water standard s...

US EPA: Integrated Risk Information System: Copper
Copper; CASRN 7440-50-8Chronic Health Hazards for Non-Carcinogenic EffectsReference Dose for Chronic Oral Exposure (RfD) - Oral RfD Summary - Principal and  Supporting Studies- Uncertainty and  Modify...

US EPA: Integrated Risk Information System: Copper
Copper; CASRN 7440-50-8Chronic Health Hazards for Non-Carcinogenic EffectsReference Dose for Chronic Oral Exposure (RfD) - Oral RfD Summary - Principal and  Supporting Studies- Uncertainty and  Modify...

USGS: Statistics and Information: Copper
Copper Statistics and Information Publications Contacts Links Subscribe Copper is usually found in nature in association with sulfur.  Pure copper metal is generally produced from a mu...

USGS: Statistics and Information: Copper
Copper Statistics and Information Publications Contacts Links Subscribe Copper is usually found in nature in association with sulfur.  Pure copper metal is generally produced from a mu...

WHO - Environmental Health Criteria: COPPER
WHO - EHC monographs are based on a comprehensive search of available original publications, scientific literature and reviews and examine: the physical and chemical properties and analytical methods;...

WHO - Principles And Methods For The Assessment Of Risk From Essential Trace Elements
The monograph is designed to give methods that provide a framework for analysing the boundaries between deficient and excess oral intakes of ETEs. Application of the principles described in this monog...


British Columbia: Approved Water Quality Guidelines
Approved water quality guidelines are policy statements and apply all over B.C. Water quality guidelines are used to: Protect water values, including: aquatic life, wildlife, drinking water sources,...

Government British Columbia: Ministry of Environment: Water Quality Guidelines for Copper
Water Quality Criteria for Copper Overview Report Prepared pursuant to Section 2(e) of the Env...

US EPA: Basic Information about Copper in Drinking Water
EPA regulates copper in drinking water to protect public health. Copper may cause health problems if present in public or private water supplies in amounts greater than the drinking water standard s...

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