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All about tin

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The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of tin speciation:
- tin species determination (analytical methods etc)
- toxicity and biological activity of different tin species
- distribution and fate of aluminium species in the environment
- mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of tin species
- Research groups and their projects related to the chemical speciation of Sn
- Standards, rules and legislation related to tin

If you are looking for something special, please go to the Link Database that will allow for more specific search.


Encyclopedia of Earth: Tributyltin
Lead Author: Judith S. Weis (other articles) Article Topics: Ecotoxicology, Pollution and Oceans This article has been reviewed and approved by the following Topic Editor: Jean-Pierre Gattuso (o...

EPA: Aquatic Life Criteria for Tributyltin (TBT)
EPA has released a final ambient water quality criteria document for tributyltin (TBT). We developed acute and chronic criteria recommendations for TBT designed to protect aquatic life in both fresh a...

EU report ups estimated organotin health risks
EU report ups estimated organotin health risks .Source: ENDS Environment Daily,15/02/06 Organotin compounds used in soft PVC printed on clothing present a toxic risk to children, according to a targe...

EU: Revised assessment of the risks to health and the environment associated with the use of organostannic compounds (excluding use in antifouling paints).
OPINION OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON TOXICITY, ECOTOXICITY AND THEENVIRONMENT (CSTEE) ON”Revised assessment of the risks to health and the environment associated withthe use of organostannic ...

EU: Risk Assessment:: Opinion papers
Three non-food Scientific Committees - the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP), the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) and the Scientific Committee on ...

EU: Risk Assessment:: Opinion papers
Three non-food Scientific Committees - the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP), the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) and the Scientific Committee on ...

Evaluation of employee exposure to butyltin compounds used as stabilizers at polyvinyl chloride processing facilities

Experience with Biocide-free Antifouling Paints
Keywords: TBT-free antifouling paint, Experience of German shipping companies, experience of German ship yards...

Extension Toxicology Network - Tributyltin (TBT)
A Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute fo...

EXTOXNET: Toxicity of Tributyltin
Extension Toxicology NetworkPesticide Information Profiles A Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and...

EXTOXNET: Toxicity of Tributyltin
Extension Toxicology Network A Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Michigan State University, Oregon State University, and University of California at...

FAO/WHO: 1970 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
The content of this document is the result of the deliberations of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues, which met in Rome, 9-16 Novembe...

Fungizide: Teil 2: Metallorganische Fungizide
OrganozinnverbindungenTributylzinnoxid (TBTO) wird neben Tributylzinn-Benzoat (TBTB) und Tributylzinn-Naphtenat (TBTN) schon seit Jahren im Materialschutz eingesetzt, aber auch als Konservierungsm...

GESTIS Analytical methods: Tin compounds, inorganic, except SnH4 (as Sn)
This database contains validated lists of methods from various EU member states described as suitable for the analysis of chemical agents at workplaces. The priority of substances covered here was de...

Guidance on Quantification and Reporting on discharges/emissions/losses of Tributyltin (TBT) and Triphenyltin (TPT) Compounds
The Guidance document on tributyltin and triphenyltin compounds has been developed as part of the HARP-HAZ project, with Norway as lead country. The HARP-HAZ project has taken place alongside several ...

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