High pressure autoclave for the mineralization of human matrices such as brain, liver, whole blood, plasma/serum, urine, pleural and knee-joint effusions, human milk and infant formulae as well as various plant materials, coal, sediments and peat samples
Analytical Methods for the Determination of Trace Elements
Development, optimization and evaluation of analytical procedures for the determination of trace elements in biological and environmentally relevant specimens predominantly with
quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS)
magnetic sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (high-resolution ICP-MS)
Microwave-assisted acid digestion (Ethos PLUS Microwave Labstation System, MLS)
High-pressure autoclave (ultraCLAVE II Microwave Autoclave, MLS)
Electronic moisture analyzer (MA 100, Sartorius)
Direct elemental analysis of solid samples
Carbon - sulphur analyzer (SC 144, Leco)
X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (microEMMA for individual particles, mineral grains; macroEMMA for bulk samples: Ti to U; OLIVIA with high sensitivity for single element analyses; NASTIA for Ti - all home-made by Dr. A. Cheburkin)
Raster electron microscope, REM (type 440, Leo) plus EDX system (LINK-ISIS, Oxford Instruments)
Direct mercury analyzer (AMA 254, Leco)
Elemental analysis of solid samples using acid digestion