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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Directory of scientists

Panayot Petrov
Science Leader Inorganic Speciation Analysis
LGC Ltd., National Measurement Laboratory, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LY, UK
+44 (0)20 8943 7403
Panayot Petrov
  • Method development and validation for the identification and determination of trace elements (toxic and essential), organometallic compounds (including persistent organic pollutants) and radionuclides (low activity; long half-life) in matrices with high environmental impact like natural and industrial waste waters, biologic fluids, food/food supplements and others.
  • Focus on inorganic speciation analysis (e.g. speciation of As, Cr, Hg, Se) and some knowledge and experience in organic speciation analyses. Developed high accuracy methods based on liquid (HPLC, LC) and gas chromatography (GC), coupled to inorganic mass spectrometry and nanoparticles analysis by asymmetric flow-FFF coupled to UV/VIS, MALS and other detectors (e.g. for Fe and Se nanoparticles characterisation in waste waters, environmental colloids (fulvic, humic acids).
  • Previous experience with ESI-MS/MS for Se compounds identification with quadrupole ion-trap MS and in kinetic studies of inorganic reactions, species stability and transformations.
  • Currently working on the developing methods for the standardisation of Hg and Hg(II) reference gas generators by direct coupling to ICP-MS and via Thermal Desorption GC-ICP-MS by using SSIDMS.
  • PerkinElmer ICP-MS (DRCII and Nexion 500)
  • Thermo high resolution ICP-SF-MS (Element 2)
  • Agilent single-quad and ICP-MS/MS instruments (8800 and 8900 models)
  • Postnova and Wyatt AF4
  • Agilent GC 6890 and 7890 model, equipped with a Dean Switching system,
  • CETAC hydride generation/cold vapour (HGX 200) and ultrasonic nebulisation system (U-6000AT+)
  • Hg0 and Hg(II) reference gas generators (PSA and Optoseven)
  • PerkinElmer ETAAS (AAnalyst 600)
  • AB Sciex ES-MS−MS System (Q-TRAP) with ionspray source and others.

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