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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Sergio Caroli
Head Researcher
Instituto Superiore di Sanitŕ, Applied Toxicology Department, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161  Rom,  Italy 
+39 (6) 4990 2052
+39 (6) 4990 2366
Sergio Caroli
Research activities are in physical chemistry and emission spectroscopy using low pressure radiation sources, with particular reference to trace analysis in biological materials.

The activities of the Section deals with: studies on the role of chemical elements in health and environment protection (antitumoural treatment, diagnosis through hair analysis, assessment of reference values in biological fluids and tissues, etc.); development of innovative methodologies for the speciation of elements by means of techniques of atomic and mass spectrometry and chromatography; quality assurance of experimental data, principles of Good Laboratory Practice and certification of reference materials; management of one of the four European Community Reference Laboratories for residues; biomedical and environmental investigations in the framework of the Italian National Programme for Research in Antarctica; training and advising on the above themes.

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