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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The 11th INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS CONFERENCE “JAI” will take place in Barcelona from 15th to 17th November 2005, in the fairground venue Fira de Barcelona GRAN VIA M-2 within the framework of EXPOQUIMIA. It is a great opportunity for gaining knowledge and doing business; a meeting point that
only takes place every 3 years in Spain.

Date: 15.11.2005 - 17.11.2005
National/International: International
Language: Spanish/English
Type: Conference
Location: Bercelona (Spain)
Contact: ASECON/JAI, Gran Vía 488 Entlo. 1Ş, 08015, Barcelona
Fax: +34 93 451 61 45
Tel.: +34 93 451 48 13
E-Mail: info@jai2005.com
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.jai2005.com⁄index.php?lang=en&PHPSESSID

Methodology & topics

The Conference seeks to bring together contributions to the development of Separation Sciences, Atomic and Molecular Recognition and Others related to modern Analytical Chemistry, as well as their applications in the different fields of science and technology, with special emphasis on:

  • Food and Food Safety.
  • Bioanalysis and Proteomics
  • Theory and teaching contributions in Analytical Chemistry
  • New developments in Analytical Instrumentation, Nanotechnology and Miniaturisation in Chemical Analysis
  • Materials and Industrial Applications
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Speciation
  • Biosensors and Screening Methods
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Others
The Conference will consist of plenary sessions addressed by outstanding international experts, short conferences (key notes), oral and poster presentations and instrument presentation sessions. The format is aimed at maximising transfer of knowledge among the participants and at providing a comprehensive exhibition of the latest analytical equipment. The programme allows for adequate time and opportunities for participants to visit the
technical exhibition in Expoquimia and hold discussions with the manufacturers.


June 15,2005Submission of abstracts
July 15,2005Notification of accepted papers.
September 15,2005Deadline for registration at reduced fee
September 30,2005Deadline for registration
October 15,2005Deadline for payment of the registration fee

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