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May 17, 2006 at 2:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am PDT
Presenter: Professor Joe Caruso, University of Cincinnati

Date: 17.05.2006 - 17.05.2006
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: e-Seminar
Location: Internet
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.agilent.com⁄chem⁄eseminars

Recent advances in ICP-MS instrumentation have produced lower detection limits, greater spectral resolution, and markedly enhanced capabilities to probe elements that were impossible a decade ago. As reliable and robust high resolution and collision/reaction cell ICP-MS instruments have emerged, the power of ICP-MS has been enhanced for numerous metals/metalloids and important non-metals. Se and P are the elemental targets for this e-seminar.
Selenium is a fascinating element exhibiting toxicant, cancer chemopreventive and Hg antagonist properties depending on its concentration, chemical form and the genetic disposition of the plant or organism.
This talk will discuss these developments, illustrations of these three aspects of Se utilizing multiple chromatographic methods interfaced to different mass spectrometries to speciate from small Se to large Se molecules. P is an important element and with the Agilent 7500ce system, it may be detected at its natural m/z of 31.
The discussion will focus on the application of chromatography ICP-MS techniques important phosphorus containing small molecules such as fire retardants and chemical warfare agent hydrolyzates.
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