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Tuesday September 30, 2008
16:00 BST (UK); 11:00 EST (USA); 17:00 CET (Europe)

Wednesday Oct 1, 2008
12:00 (China); 13:00 (Japan); 04:00 UTC

Date: 30.09.2008 - 01.10.2008
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: e-Seminar
Location: Online
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.spectroscopynow.com⁄thermowebinars

It is now widely recognized that different chemical forms of elements in our environment display different physicochemical properties such as toxicity, bioavailability, reactivity and mobility. Speciation, the discrimination and analysis of these chemical forms, is therefore on the rise, as we try to understand the true nature of trace-elements and their impact.

 Special Guest Speaker:  Dr. Michael Sperling  
EVISA (European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis)       
This presentation aims to briefly introduce the principles behind speciation and its relevance in today's society. Furthermore, we'll discuss the increase of speciation in legislation and the growing need for speciation analyses to address fundamental issues that affect us directly.
Speaker:  Dr. Shona McSheehy
Thermo Fisher Scientific
How speciation analyses can be performed and which species are being currently analyzed will be demonstrated through two different applications using different ICP-MS coupled techniques.

Register for this webinar at www.spectroscopynow.com/thermowebinars 

A recorded version will be available to view after the event at the same location.

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