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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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This course is intended for laboratory managers, quality control and assurance specialists, research scientists, environmental chemists, geochemists, biologists, pharmacists, nutritionists, users in chemical industries and agriculture, metallurgists, toxicologists, new and experienced users of atomic absorption and plasma spectrometries, and technical personnel at all levels. The gathering of this plethora of information will provide an insight to critical stages of metal speciation (“elemental speciation”) and help to evaluate and solve analytical issues involving metal species determination. The objectives of this course are to expose the scope of speciation analysis to the widest audience from the beginner to the expert, and provide participants with a comprehensive review of the “state of the art”. It will provide criteria for determining where and when metal speciation is required. Assist in selection of appropriate analytical routines for solving problems in a cost effective manner

Date: 10.03.2004 - 10.03.2004
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Training course
Location: Pittcon, Shortcourse 418
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄ca.pittcon.org⁄technical+program⁄tpabstra04
Sponsor: PittCon

Metal speciation is gaining increasing importance in a wide variety of fields, for example, clinical, environmental, nutritional, industrial, and geochemical applications. It is well understood now that determination of the chemical form of metals is essential for the correct evaluation of their fate, impact, and ‘risk assessment” in all traditional compartments where inorganic analysis is involved. In the last 20 years considerable effort has been made by academic, regulation and industrial communities to identify, rationalize, and promote simple and effective analytical procedures that improve our understanding of metal related issues in the environment, nutrition, hygiene and industry. The course on metal speciation analysis and will consist of the following topics: · Overview of traditional and classical aspects of sampling, preservation, extraction and detection of analyte species. · Status of metal species determination strategies (elemental speciation). · Identification of the areas of growing demand. · Review, examination and critically assess major developments in sample collection, preservation, preparation, analyte detection and validation. · Description of analytical speciation procedures using examples from environment, nutrition and industrial applications.

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