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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Speciation analysis applied to environmental issues

It is now well understood that the toxicity and fate of elements in the environment is related to their chemical speciation. Considerable amount of work in the last 20 years as now simplify the analytical procedures and allow now the routine use of monitoring many species of elements in the environment such as Hg, Sn, Cr, As, Cd and Se. The objectives of the course is to review the state of the art in the legislative aspects world wide, review the most effective sample preparation methods and train on hyphenated techniques to determine the different species of Hg, Sn, Cr, As, Cd and Se in all compartments of the environment air, water, soils and sediments and biological tissues.
Finally the course will demonstrate the needs and improvements of introducing speciation measurements to optimise risk/assessments and improved understanding of the fate, transformation and impacts of elements in the environments

Date: 12.09.2005 - 15.09.2005
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Training course
Location: Pau / France
Contact: Olivier Donard/
2, Av. du Pr. Angot
64053 PAU
Sponsor: EVISA


1st day:

  • Introduction to speciation analysis in environmental samples
  • Legal regulations - evolutions
  • Certified reference materials
  • Sample preparation for species Hg, Sn, Se, Cd and Se
  • Speciation in air (Hg, Sn, Se, Cd and Se)
  • Speciation in water (Hg, Sn, Se, Cd and Se)

2nd day:

  • Speciation in sediments (Hg, Sn, Se, Cd and Se)
  • Speciation in biological tissues (Hg, Sn, Se, Cd and Se)

3rd day:

  • Hyphenated techniques for speciation analysis using either LC and GC separation methods coupled to AFS or ICP/MS
  • Speciated isotopic dilution using GC and HPLC – ICP/MS
  • Hands on training using AFS and ICP-MS

4th day:

  • Hands on training using AFS and ICP-MS
  • Application to the fate and impacts of Hg, Sn, Se, Cd, and Se in the environment
Max. number of participants: 12
Fee: 1500 €

For registration please download the information flyer incl. registration form, fill in the registration form and fax the signed form not later than August 15th 2005.  Please understand that the number of participants is very limited and therefore early registration is recommended.


There are different classes of hotels available in Pau. You should book your hotel yourself after having received confirmation for your participation by the course organizer.

 Hotels in Pau

 How to find LCABIE


August 15,2005Registration

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