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The CNRS, the University of Pau (France), the European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA) and the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) invite you to take part in the 13th Workshop on Progress in Trace Metal Speciation for Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Speciation has now gone a long way, some aspects are now of routine for environmental assessment and are integrated in legislation aspects. The techniques and overall analytical strategies allow now to tackle new frontiers and open up new dimensions (e.g. molecular isotopic signatures, molecular structures, nanoparticles). Further, in situ speciation approaches (electrochemical sensors, chemical probes) have seen considerable development addressing a more refined understanding of spatial distribution and reactivity of metal species. The objectives of this 13th Workshop is to position the major advances made in the field on analytical strategies for trace metal and metalloids speciation in the environment and to discuss the enhanced information value for an understanding of their impact, cycling and fate. Beyond bringing the state of the art in various aspects of speciation in solids, sediments, soils, biological tissues, water and air, this workshop will open up the new horizons in the field of speciation analysis.

Date: 18.05.2011 - 20.05.2011
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Palais Beaumont, Pau, France
Contact: Iprem
Technopole Helioparc
2 avenue Pierre Angot
PAU Cedex 9

Tel: +33 (0) 5 59 40 76 21
Fax: +33 (0) 5 59 40 76 22
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.tracespec2011.com

These aspects will be discussed in the following sessions:
  1. Speciation, lability, bioavailability and transformations
  2. Direct and in-situ speciation analysis
  3. Speciation of metal species in colloidal and nano-materials
  4. Metal speciation in the environment and legal aspects
  5. Speciation in industrial applications
  6. New analytical strategies for metal speciation including isotopic information


April 7,2011Extended: Submission of abstracts
April 15,2011Notification of acceptance
April 17,2011Booking of accomodation
April 20,2011Early registration at reduced fee

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