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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Workshop on Chromium Speciation in Industry, Environment, Occupational Health and Food, with Legislative Aspects

In the framework of the EC funded European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis for Improvement of Health, Food, Industry and Environment (EVISA) a workshop on chromium speciation will be organised for users from industrial world by renowned experts in the field of chromium speciation.

Date: 03.05.2004 - 04.05.2004
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Workshop
Location: Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Contact: Dr. Radmila Milačič
Department of Environmental Sciences
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana

Fax: + 386 1 251 93 85

Chromium and chromium chemicals are widely used in the metallurgical and chemical industries, leather tanning, wood treatment etc. Chromium has been identified both as an essential micronutrient and as a toxic element. The essentiality and toxicity of chromium is a function of its chemical form. In general, chromium(III) compounds are far less toxic than chromium(VI).
Due to its wide use, large amounts of chromium are emitted into the environment. In order to prevent hazardous effects of chromium(VI) on human health and to protect the environment it is necessary to determine chromium(VI) concentrations by reliable analytical techniques.    

During the workshop the following topics will be discussed:
  • Manufacture, use and distribution of chromium compounds; Environmental fate of chromium compounds; Safe disposal of chromium rich waste materials (sewage sludge, tannery waste...)
  • The toxicology of chromium and its compounds; Chromium and occupational health.
  • Analytical methodologies for chromium speciation including analytical gaps and artefacts; Critical evaluation of recommended standardised analytical procedures for chromium speciation; Reference materials.
  • The role of chromium as an essential nutrient; Chromium in food supplements.
  • Chromium in industry and at workplace: automotive industry, cement industry, leather industry, waste water treatment plants, wood preservation products, chromium in workplace air…;
  • Chromium and legislation.

The following speakers have agreed to give presentations:

  • Dr. Rita Cornelis
  • Prof. Dr. Les Ebdon
  • Dr. Radmila Milačič
  • Dr. Fabienne Séby
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Raspor
  • Representatives from the industrial world

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