The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through
the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).
Supporters of EVISA includes:
isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT)
In order to establish the relevance of a protein to an organism’s phenotype, it is important to be able to determine quantitative changes in its expression. This can be achieved by labelling with a compound (tag) which contains stable isotopes such as 2H. One batch of the organism is tagged with the heavy form of the label, containing the stable isotopes (2H), and another batch is tagged with the light form, containing 1H. The reactions are specific for cysteine residues within the proteins. The labelled samples are mixed and digested with trypsin and the isolated peptides are analysed by LC/MS/MS, enabling the relative abundances of each peptide pair, containing the light and heavy label, to be determined. ICAT is a commercial term.