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Themed Issue "Metallomics 2011" now available


With 39 countries represented, the Metallomics 2011 was a truly international meeting, and the impressive number of more than 320 participants underlined the growing interest in this emerging research area.
The scientific program included 75 oral and 156 poster presentations in the field of metals in biology (function and fate), metals in medicine (diagnosis and therapy), geosphere–biosphere interactions and analytical methods and instrumentation. In order to introduce the younger participants to the field, as well as to favor scientific discussions across disciplines, three different short courses on in vitro models for toxicity testing, mass spectrometric tools and TOF mass spectrometry for metallomics were also included in the program. A vendors' exhibition completed the set and was a meeting point during the breaks. The Third International Symposium on Metallomics 2011 followed the groundbreaking conferences held in Nagoya, Japan in 2007 and Cincinnati, USA in 2009. The goal of the organizers to consolidate this relatively new event and to highlight the interdisciplinary character of the research area of metallomics was clearly achieved.

The now published themed issue of Metallomics tries to capture the spirit of this event. While the collection of articles included is only a small selection of what was presented during the symposium, it might serve as an indicator of the scientific quality of the Metallomics symposium. The collection of papers also gives an impression of the different aspects of metallomics discussed during the symposium: development and exploration of tools for metallomics research such as PAGE/LA-ICP-MS, the use of the tools to determine metal(loid) species in cells and tissues, the use of metals for labeling of biomolecules, the study of the role of metals for the structure of biomolecules, the investigation of the binding sites of metals to biomolecules, the bioaccumulation of metals in biological systems, the mechanisms of metal toxicity and the activity of metallodrugs.

Michael Sperling (Co-Chair)

Related information

Themed Issue devoted to the Third Symposium of Metallomics, Metallomics, 3/12, 2011
Metallomics 2011 Symposium homepage

EVISA News related to metallomics

August 15, 2011: New insights about interaction of thimerosal with blood components
July 22, 2010: ICP-MS Analysis Suggests Metal-Binding Proteins Significantly More Abundant Than Thought
June 19, 2010: A new Selenium-containing compound, Selenoneine, found as the predominant Se-species in the blood of Bluefin Tuna
June 12, 2010: Chromium(VI) much more toxic than chromium(III): At least for freshwater algae a paradigm to revise?
January 8, 2010: The human liver: not always doing the job right?
December 14, 2008: New study investigates the interaction of thimerosal with proteins

last time modified: May 17, 2024


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