The International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology is one of the worldwide leading environmental conferences. This biennial conference brings together engineers, scientists, researchers, students, managers and other professionals in order to address and discuss emerging environmental issues. The conference is supported by the multi-disciplinary Global NEST (Network of Environmental Science and Technology); an international scientific movement that has been successfully developing for the last 24 years with members from more than 60 countries. Global NEST is an international scientific movement focusing on innovative environmental issues.
19.09.2013 - 19.09.2013 |
International |
English |
Conference |
Athens, Greece |
13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2013)
Aegean Str. 10, GR 15122, Marousi, Greece.
Tel.: + 30 210- 6492451 -2
Fax: + 30 210- 6492499
Conference web site at:
The CEST2013 scientific program will accommodate sessions and workshops on a wide range of environmental themes. These include: - Clean energy and sustainability
- Climate and air pollution
- Climate change and environmental dynamics
- Drought and water scarcity
- Ecology and ecosystems management
- Emerging pollutants
- Environmental impacts of nanotechnology
- Environmental management and sustainability
- Health and environment
- New water treatment materials and their application
- Nutrient management in water course
- Solid waste management
- Wastewater and sludge treatment
- Water resources and river basin management
- Water quality
- Water treatment and reclamation
Deadlines November 30,2012 | Extended: Submission of abstracts | December 30,2012 | Notification of acceptance | July 15,2013 | Early registration at reduced fee |