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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The Environmental Measurement Symposium (EMS) is the combined meeting of the Forum on Environmental Accreditation and the National Environmental Measurement Conference (NEMC). With over 250 attendees, the Forum on Environmental Accreditation is the only conference that brings laboratories, regulatory agencies, data users, sampling firms, and many other organizations to discuss cutting-edge changes in environmental laboratory accreditation and future directions in policy that will have a national impact. In addition to the committee meetings and general sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to attend technical training courses, see the latest products and services in the industry and be able to network with peers.

Date: 05.08.2024 - 09.08.2024
National/International: National
Type: Symposium
Location: Garden Grove, CA
Conference web site at:   https:⁄⁄envirosymposium.group⁄index.php

The Symposium Steering Committee is inviting abstracts for oral or poster presentations in these specific topic areas:
  1. Advances in Sensor Technologies in Environmental Monitoring
  2. Air Monitoring, Methods, and Technology
  3. Analyzing Microplastics in the Environment
  4. Automation & Innovation for Sample Preparation
  5. Best Management Practices for Environmental Laboratories
  6. Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
  7. Crafting Consensus Methods for Environmental Sampling and Measurement
  8. Drinking Water
  9. Emerging Environmental Applications for High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  10. Ensuring Reliable Data
  11. Environmental Forensics
  12. Field and Mobile Laboratories
  13. Innovations in Microbiology
  14. Innovative Solutions for Water Testing
  15. Laboratory Informatics
  16. Metals Analysis
  17. New Organic Monitoring Techniques
  18. Optimizing Laboratory Operations
  19. Participatory Science
  20. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Environment
  21. The Role of AI in Environmental Analyses


February 1,2024Submission of abstracts
June 21,2024Registration of speakers
June 21,2024Early registration at reduced fee

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