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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

5th ToFCON

The ToFCON is the meeting focused on the ICP-ToFMS community. The main objective is to provide a platform for the exchange of experience among the users in open discussions on the technology and its application. Besides the presentation of current research results it is desired to discuss issues and ideas for new developments and application fields by means of ICP-ToF-MS.

Date: 19.11.2024 - 19.11.2024
National/International: National
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Berlin, BAM, Adlershof
Contact: Dr. Björn Meermann & Dr. Heike Traub
Division 1.1 – Inorganic Trace Analysis
Richard-Willstätter-Straße 11
12489 Berlin - Germany

This year we are open for oral presentations;

- oral presentations will be given during the meeting “live”.

- This year we are pleased to announce that two best oral presentation (from each session one) will be awarded with the ToFCON award

* one sponsored by TOFWERK

* one sponsored by Nu Instruments

The award is intended for highlighting master- and PhD student work. Many thanks for the sponsorship.

The prize comprises sponsored participation to present your work via an oral presentation at the upcoming EWCPS2025 in Berlin (02.-07. March 2025), Germany - EWCPS 2025: EWCPS 2025

For registration please sent an email to icp-ms_conference@bam.de with your contact details (name, surname, affiliation & address) If you are interested in an oral presentation – please give also a tentative title as well co-authors.


October 14,2024Submission of abstracts

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