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Experts in Speciation Analysis came together in Münster, September 4-7, 2007
  (Last Mod.:2020-06-24 / Rating: 5.057 )

New arsenic species detected in carrot samples
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-25 / Rating: 4.740 )

New arsenic compounds found in herring
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-03 / Rating: 4.730 )

Accurate determination of arsenic and its species by internal standardization for quantification by ICP-MS
  (Last Mod.:2023-01-10 / Rating: 4.729 )

High level of inorganic arsenic in blue mussels from Norwegian Fjords
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-22 / Rating: 4.725 )

New Agilent HPLC column for routine determination of arsenic species in human urine by HPLC-ICP-MS
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-08 / Rating: 4.712 )

Arsenic-Containing Phosphatidylcholines Discovered in Herring Caviar
  (Last Mod.:2018-07-07 / Rating: 4.698 )

Speciation matters even if the interest is in total element concentration
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-08 / Rating: 4.611 )

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