The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of speciation modelling:
- speciation modelling software
- modelling of species distribution in air, water, soils and sediments
- kinetic and/or thermodynamic models
If you are looking for something special, please go to the Link Database that will allow for more specific search.
Thermodynamic data are important for the modelling of the chemical processes in the engineering part on nuclear waste repository systems (the "near-field" region), and also to describe the effect of...
The SPECIES program is a solution equilibrium model to teach concepts of ion activity and ion speciation as applied to soil solutions. The program is written as a spreadsheet file that may be used wit...
WHAM (Windermere Humic-Aqueous Model) is designed to calculate equilibrium chemical speciation in surface and ground waters, sediments and soils. The model is especially suitable for problems where th...
Thermodynamic models
Abstract / Project Outlining The main objective of this project is to improve the scientific basis for performance and safety assessment of various waste management strategies. The goal is to prov...
The program is a stand-alone version of ChemEQL, and different versions for Mac (.dmg) and Windows (.exe) are available. A Linux version can be provided on request. It calculates and draws thermody...
The EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) distributes simulation models and database software designed to quantify the movement and concentration of subsurface contaminants. Available ...
MINTEQA2 is a equilibrium speciation model that can be used to calculate the equilibrium composition of dilute aqueous solutions in the laboratory or in natural aqueous systems. The model is useful ...
Software for prepairing Chemical Equilibrium Diagrams Software description Hydra contains a database with logK data at 25°C. Run this program to define the chemical system you are interested on...
The main objective of this concerted action is to explore the need for, and to develop the structure and maintenance of a European thermodynamic database to be used primarily for the "validation" of g...
Thermodynamic data are important for the modelling of the chemical processes in the engineering part on nuclear waste repository systems (the "near-field" region), and also to describe the effect of...
A Computer Program for Speciation, Batch-Reaction, One-Dimensional Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations PHREEQC is a computer program written in the C programming lang...
PhreeqcI is a Windows-based graphical user interface for the geochemical computer program PHREEQC. PhreeqcI provides the capability to generate and edit input data files, run simulations, and view t...
RES3T - the Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics - is a digitized thermodynamic sorption database. It is implemented as a relational database. ...
THEREDA is a project dedicated to a THErmodynamic REference DAtabase. The main objective is to establish a comprehensive and internally consistent thermodynamic reference database for the geochemica...
Thermodynamic Databases Thermochemical Database Project (TDB) at the Nuclear Engery Agency (NEA) of OECD SUPCRT92 interactive version from Arizona State University, for downloading the data bas...
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