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Speciation modelling

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The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of speciation modelling:
- speciation modelling software
- modelling of species distribution in air, water, soils and sediments
- kinetic and/or thermodynamic models

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Thermodynamic models

Tools for Modeling with EQ3/6 under a UNIX/Linux Shell
Remark: All the following content pertains to the versions 7.2[a-c] of the EQ3/6 geochemical modeling software package. It is written and maintained by Thomas Wolery ( wolery1@llnl.gov ) from the La...

USGS: Speciation and Fractionation Modeling Studies -- Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)-Mercury Interaction

USGS: Reaction-Transport Modeling in Groundwater and Watershed Systems
Software PHREEQC A Computer Program for Speciation, Batch-Reaction, One-Dimensional Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations PhreeqcI A Graphical User Interface for the Ge...


ACTAF: Aquatic Chemistry and Thermodynamics of Actinides and Fission Products Relevant to Nuclear Waste Disposal
Abstract / Project Outlining The main objective of this project is to improve the scientific basis for performance and safety assessment of various waste management strategies. The goal is to prov...

CHEAQS Next is a computer program for calculating CHemical Equilibria in AQuatic Systems. You supply input data, the program calculates the chemical speciation for you. CHEA...

The program calculates and draws thermodynamic equilibrium concentrations of species in complex chemical systems. It handles homogeneous solutions, dissolution, precipitation, titrations with acids, b...

CHESS: The Assistant for Chemists and Engineers
If your work involves chemistry of natural or industrial aquatic systems, hydrology, bio-geochemistry, performance and/or safety assessment of waste barriers, environmental sciences, nuclear engineeri...

EPA: Groundwater Models to Assess Exposures
The EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) distributes simulation models and database software designed to quantify the movement and concentration of subsurface contaminants. Available ...

EPA: MINTEQA2 Equilibrium Speciation Model
MINTEQA2 is a equilibrium speciation model that can be used to calculate the equilibrium composition of dilute aqueous solutions in the laboratory or in natural aqueous systems. The model is useful ...

EPA: Surface Water Models to Assess Exposures
The EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) distributes simulation models and database software designed to quantify movement and concentration of contaminants in lakes, streams, estuarie...

HARPHRQ is a geochemical speciation program, developed on behalf of Nirex, that can be used to calculate: pH; Eh; quantity of minerals transferred into/out of solution as a function of reaction progre...

JESS: Joint Expert Speciation System
A powerful research tool for thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of chemical speciation in complex aqueous environments. It is designed to solve problems requiring expert knowledge of solution chemist...

LJUNGSKILE - probabilistic speciation
The probabilistic speciation code LJUNGSKILE couples PHREEQEC with a Latin Hypercube Sampling approach to allow an efficient calculation of species diagrams with uncertainties.LJUNGSKILE has been deve...

MICROQL: Multicomponent chemical equilibrium computerprogram
MICROQL is an multicomponent chemical equilibrium computerprogram. The MICROQL Program is based on the version implemented in BASIC by J.C. Westall (Westall 1979, 1986). The program does the Calculati...

MINEQL+: Chemical equilibrium modeling system for water chemistry
MINEQL+ chemical equilibrium modeling system for water chemistry calculations, groundwater geochemistry, chemical speciation, titration curves, ion balance, aquatic chemistry, mineral equilibria, solu...

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