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PerkinElmer Announces Agreement to Purchase Remaining Interest of Mass Spectrometry Joint Venture and Related Assets


The purchase of the remaining 50% of the joint venture and related assets will provide PerkinElmer with full ownership of the joint venture and its ICP-MS product line. Complete PerkinElmer ownership of the ICP-MS product line and related assets will help to ensure the continued success of this technology with a dedicated and fully integrated approach throughout the entire value chain, including R&D, manufacturing, sales and service.

John Roush, president, Environmental Health, PerkinElmer, said, "The global population is increasingly vulnerable to safety threats from toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic affecting the quality of our water and food supplies. Our continued commitment and innovation in ICP-MS will provide our customers with solutions that support the analysis of component elements, trace elements or contaminants in samples of interest, leading to improved products and applications for their end markets -- and ultimately to better outcomes for human and environmental health."

He added, "The consolidation of the joint venture will reinforce our market leadership position while further demonstrating our commitment to the ICP-MS product line and the sustained development of this critical technology. Customers will benefit from our ability to get products to market faster, as well as to better align our offering with market needs."

ICP-MS is a detection technology that allows high-sensitivity simultaneous detection of individual chemical elements in a sample, for diverse applications within the environmental, nutraceutical, biomonitoring, semiconductor and geochemical research markets.

PerkinElmer has been at the forefront of atomic spectroscopy analytical technology for over 40 years with a comprehensive product line including flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers (ICP-OES) and ICP-MS systems. The purchase of the remaining interest of the ICP-MS joint venture and related assets further solidifies PerkinElmer's dedication to serving the needs of atomic spectroscopy laboratories across the globe.

Source: Perkin Elmer Inc.

 Related EVISA Resources

Company Database; PerkinElmer
Instrument Database: Products of PerkinElmer
Summary: ICP-MS: A versatile detection system for speciation analysis

Related EVISA News

March 6, 2010: PittCon 2010 Review I: PerkinElmer Unveil New ICP-MS System for Elemental and Chemical Speciation Analysis

last time modified: May 20, 2024


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