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US EPA offers chance to speak out against hexavalent chromium


Hexavalent chromium (Cr6), a metal used in many industries - including automotive service and repair due to welding, sanding and grinding of some motor vehicle parts - can be toxic and is considered to be a carcinogen when inhaled.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued standards in 2006 that limited workplace exposure to hexavalent chromium. It has been determined by OSHA that average levels of the substance that workers are exposed to today places them at significant health risks.

The Automotive Service Association (ASA) expressed concern about the lowering of the permissible level because of the lack of data as to the potential economic impact the lower level will have on collision members. Collision shop employees use many refinishing products in their shops as well as sand, grind and weld vehicle parts. Each of these procedures presents the opportunity for hexavalent chromium to be present.

Public listening session:
The listening session will be held on November 18, 2010, during the public comment period for this draft assessment. The purpose of the listening session is to allow all interested parties to present scientific and technical comments on draft IRIS health assessments to EPA and other interested parties attending the listening session. EPA welcomes the comments that will be provided to the Agency by the listening session participants. The comments will be considered by the Agency as it revises the draft assessment after the independent external peer review.

To view full text of the EPA's notice of public comment period and listening session in the Federal Register, visit ASA's legislative website at www.TakingTheHill.com.

 Related EVISA Resources

Link Database: Toxicity of hexavalent chromium (chromate)
Link Database: Industrial Use of chromate
Link Database: Occupational exposure of hexavalent chromium
Link Database: Legislation for hexavalent chromium at the workplace

Related EVISA News (newest first)

May 25, 2010: New OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Requirement
February 17, 2010: Hexavalent Chromium: OSHA deadline for engineering controls approaching
May 28, 2009: Hexavalent chromium rule added to revised OSHA Shipyard Industry Document
May 17, 2007: Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water Causes Cancer in Lab Animals
June 8, 2006: Scientific journal adds fuel to ongoing chromium debate
February 6, 2008: OSHA Issues Enforcement Procedures Directive for Hex Chrome Standards
April 12, 2007: OSHA Agrees to Monitor Worker Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium-Containing Cement
October 4, 2006: OSHA Issues Hexavalent Chromium Guidance for Small Businesses
February 28, 2006: OSHA Issues Final Standard on Hexavalent Chromium

last time modified: May 20, 2024


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