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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Brewers' Guardian



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Brewers’ Guardian, the international brewing industry magazine, is read by industry decision makers in more than 120 countries worldwide.

The magazine boasts an illustrious history. It was first published in 1871, as a continuation of the Country Brewer’s Gazette, and is believed to be the UK’s oldest brewing trade journal.

In keeping with the globalisation and consolidation of the brewing industry, in recent years the title’s reach has expanded beyond its British origins and now covers the world of brewing.

Each issue reports on all aspects of the business of brewing, be it a process technology breakthrough, a regulatory development, M&A activity, or a brand launch.

Our features cover the breadth and width of concerns, including corporate strategy, brewing, packaging, regulation, environmental and social responsibility, and brands and marketing.

We carry exclusive interviews with senior industry executives, reporting on frank and open discussions on industry trends and developments.

We also profile countries and regions where the brewing industry is on the move – in 2006 we reviewed developments in India, China and Canada.

Throughout 2007 we'll be asking, "what is innovation?" and seeking to answer that question in our coverage. It's a subject that our guest columnists will also be addressing during the year.

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